Since I'm not into the official blog towards the Ironman and charity donations, I thought this would be a good time to introduce you guys to my oldest son, Quinn, a.k.a. "Kuya" (that's what Cody calls him). For those of you who don't know my wife, Knikie, is Filipino. In the Philippines the oldest of each generation is called either Kuya (if it's a boy) or Ate (if it's a girl). Quinn is the Kuya, pronounced kwia and he fits the role to the tee. The role is basically, as I understand it, a liaison between the parents and the kids. This includes all the cousins. Which means when there is a large family gathering Quinn is expected to keep the kids entertained and organized. Later in life it will mean answering life questions and giving advice. It's a lot of responsibility, especially when your little brother is "special".
Quinn demonstrates more patience at nine years old than most adults. You see as cute as Cody looks, he's not the easiest guy to live with. Cody rarely has any concern for anyone, but Cody. He also gets frustrated very quickly and Quinn usually catches most of it. Now when Codes gets mad he usually hits, pinches, kicks and in some bad situations he bites. Quinn never retaliates, he just takes the beating and reports back to Mom and Dad. He is always kind to his little brother and helps him out every chance he gets. He's Cody's hero, best friend and punching bag.
It's that kind of self discipline and heart that I'm going to have to draw on to finish this venture.
I just hope I have half of what this kid does. If I do I'll make it with ease.
They both started school yesterday. Cody is in an ESE class and Quinn started 4th grade. They absolutely love going to the same school and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
On a seprate note my next training race is this weekend, down at Tradewinds park in West Palm. Hope to see some of you there!!