Sunday, July 18, 2010

Holy COW!

This is the flyer my oldest son Quinn made for the upcoming Car Wash!
To make a donation please CLICK HERE, you can also get caught up on what this blog is all about! 
Well so much has happened since the last blog its almost hard to believe. We have had a triathlon dedicated to raise money for the NODCC, we made the news paper, the NODCC triathlon jerseys arrived and there is a car wash scheduled to benefit us as well!! All in all it's been a great week. 
Cody went to Maine with my wife and his brother to see all his cousins and our brand new niece! They are up there having a blast (water ballon fights, bounce houses, face painting, its a carnival up there)! I had to stay home as work was a bit to busy for me to get to go. Its alright though, I have been able to step up my training and really have some quality workouts.
I want to talk about something very special to me that happened last weekend. My "triathlon family" the group of triathletes that call themselves the "Treasure Coast Triathletes", hosted an un-official triathlon in Fort Pierce, Florida and took up donations for the cause. The idea started out as nothing more than an organized workout with just a few people showing up. Clark Glover and his type A personality took that to the next level and when he was done we basically had a full blown triathlon with almost a hundred participants! There was a pre-race registration with notaries for safety waivers. There were bouys, kayaks, complete with lifeguards for the swim. A complete transition area with bike racks and a roped off area for the bikes. The bike course was simple and well marked with a volunteer at the turnaround. The run course was well marked with an aid station strategically place and another volunteer at the turn around. There were even race number bibs and a old school timing system!! There were raffles from all kinds of local companies offering massages and overnight stays at local resorts!!! It was FRIGGIN' awesome!! In total they collected $880 in donations. I'm so proud of my little group and owe them a ton of thanks, I hope they all know how much they mean to my family and I.
I also wanted to throw a thank you in to our local newspaper and Lisa Bolivar for writing such a great article about Cody, my family and I. The donations are already starting to come in as a result of the article.
Finally our new triathlon jerseys arrived this week. The got here Tuesday and by Friday it was on the podium at a local 5k race, by Sunday it was on the overall winner at a Duathlon in Key Biscayne!! Thanks Mark Swart for wearing it proudly and congrats on doing so well at both races!
On July 31st from 9am to 1pm the St. Lucie Catholic Church will be putting on a Car wash to benefit our cause! Its located on the corner of Prima Vista Blvd. and Irving St. Get there early and Cody himself will be present to wash your car. If he is involved I'm not claiming any responsibility for your or your cars safety. However, I do promise either you or your car will get wet. Cody tends to not last too long in the heat so if you want him on your car then get there early! Big thanks to the Youth Group over there at the church!! You guys rock!
I'll finish on a quick note on my training. Everything is going well. Coach has me kicking my own tail on a daily basis and the results are starting to show. 102 miles on the bike this morning, with a 10 mile run last night! I would be lying if I said I wasn't tired, but I feel great! Really excited to get out and race some more!!
Back to work,

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